- All submitted papers must report original research or other significant progress related to the topics of the conference. It should also highlight any previously unpublished research.
All papers must be formatted according to the instructions provided in the Template file (Link-Farsi, Link-English). Those papers submitted in a different format will not be reviewed.
- Each accepted paper requires one full registration in order to be published and included in the conference proceedings.
- Accepted papers must be presented at the designated conference sessions. Those accepted papers that are not presented at the conference will be omitted from the proceedings.
Any detected instances of plagiarism or fraudulent research in submitted papers will result in their exclusion from the conference proceedings. The corresponding author(s) are responsible for its consequences. Please check the ethical requirements for the authors page (Link).
What are after-acceptance processes?
1. Please enter the system after registration (link) and submit your papers from "My Papers" section.
2. After the review process and accepting your manuscript, the output pdf version of theIEEE PDF eXpresssystem should be used to submit as the final version of the paper. (It should be noted that Conference ID: 64575x).
3. It is necessary to complete the copyright submission process by referring to your portal in the section of "my articles" in order to complete the IEEE copyright form. It is necessary to click "Done" at the end of the process after completing the requested information.
4.Please enter the following code in the template.